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  Mount Jefferson Presbyterian Church : ...a welcoming and nurturing community led by Christ  Mount Jefferson Presbyterian Church : ...a welcoming and nurturing community led by Christ Committees:

Care Top ▲


The Care Committee ministers to our members through:

- Visits to homebound members, to include providing Communion;

- We have archives of our Sunday services available for homebound members and others who wish to partake of this ministry on our web site;

- Our Prayer connection keeps everyone informed of prayer requests and other important information, by use of a prayer chain, e-mail and phone.

Posted Oct 10, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Care Permalink 1454720566

Discipleship Top ▲

Adult Sunday School Class

Are you looking for some challenging theological discussion? Then come join our Adult Sunday School Class!

- Who is invited? All adults age 18 and up.

- When? Every Sunday morning at 9:45 am.

- Where? In the Parlor right beside the Kitchen (If not there, check the Fellowship Hall; sometimes the crowd is so large we have to move!)

- What do we study? Once a study is completed, we vote for a new topic. Feel free to come join us now since each session begins with a new chapter and new ideas.

- How do we study? Our format is set up as a very relaxed roundtable discussion. We stimulate conversation with printed study guides and audiovisual materials. We each take turns leading the discussion, but you may gracefully bow out if you wish.

- What is it like? We love challenges, debates, laughs, and each other! Even when we struggle with a topic, we usually come away with an overall sense of accomplishment, much as if our lives have been enriched. We welcome everyone, even those who just like to sit back and listen! Please, come join us!

Posted Oct 27, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Discipleship Permalink 1454720598

Fellowship Top ▲

Special Fellowship Outings

* We have several outings planned each year just for the fun of it!

* We've been to the Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre in Wytheville, VA (pictured), and the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA.

* Other activities:

- Visited historic churches in the area and gone shopping

- Been to fish frys

- Listened to bluegrass

- Been to ball games

- Hold suppers right here at the church.

* Join us on our next outing!!

Posted Oct 13, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Fellowship Permalink 1454720709
Weekly Fellowship Gathering

* At MJPC, we hold a fellowship time with refreshments every Sunday following worship, except as noted in the weekly bulletin.

* Our nursery is available during Sunday School and the Worship hour for children ages 0-5.

* We take the care of your child seriously; we have a child protection policy in place.

Posted Oct 13, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Fellowship Permalink 1454720698

Mission Top ▲

About our Mission Program

The Mission Committee provides outreach through volunteer hours and financial support to many local and international missions. Giving is a strength that is not of man. It's a strength that can only be fueled by the power of love from God.

Check regularly under News & Events for more information.

Posted Feb 3, 09 by webguy Under Mission Permalink 1454720751
Local Outreach

Ashe County Food Pantry

Ashe Outreach Ministry


Relay for Life

A Safe Home for Everyone

New Beginnings

Ashe County Free Medical Clinic

Ashe Generations (Services for the Aging)

Christmas Child Project

Community in School

Character Recognition Blue Ridge School

Camp New Hope

Habitat for Humanity

Posted Oct 27, 12 by Anonymous Under Mission Permalink 1454720762
The Ashe County Food Pantry Feeds the Hungry
Mission Committee Program

* With more than 30 years of service, the Ashe County Food Pantry is an important part of our community.

* The Ashe County Food Pantry has faithfully served our community by:

Provide food applications in English and Spanish

Assist with Food Stamp Applications (SNAP)

Health fairs

Flu shots

Cooking Matters classes

Food box items can be substituted to accommodate special dietary needs

Provide back to school supplies to students

Provide hygiene backpacks for Generations Ashe Pantry clients

Provide hygiene products for Operation Backpack

Our anti-discrimination policy says:

The Ashe Food Pantry does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability or religion.

The Ashe Food Pantry is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on the basis of race, age, color, sexual orientation, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, religion or any other way that may be prohibited by federal and state law. Any employee, board member, volunteer, or client who believes that s/he or any other affiliate of the Ashe Food Pantry. has been discriminated against is strongly encouraged to report this concern promptly to the Executive Director.

* The Ashe County Food Pantry thanks you for helping them to take care of those in need in Ashe County.

Posted Mar 20, 13 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under Mission Permalink 1454720731

Worship : Volunteer lists are published when available... Top ▲


* MJPC children assist with the Sunday worship as acolytes, bringing the elements to the worship table at the start of services and retrieving same at the end of services.

Posted Dec 31, 12 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under Worship Permalink 1455294066