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The Grace of Christ be with you!
Below are common phrases that employ the term boat. What do they have in common?
All in the same boat.
Missing the boat.
Life boat
Don’t rock the boat.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
In these examples, the boat is the desired place to be (with the possible exception of the first phrase). The alternative is to be either left on the dock or worse fall into the water.
Yet, in Luke 5:1-11, Jesus can be interpreted as rocking the boat literally and figuratively. The great catch of fish nearly sank the boat and Jesus’ teaching rocked the boat in another way. It turned fishermen into the catch.
Blessings, Will
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THIS COMING SUNDAY: "The Cast Net" based on Luke 5:1-11. The Rev. Will Heyward is preaching. Sunday Worship Bulletin.
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P.O. Box 782
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Phone: (336) 846-7481
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